Hey 'Straya, get OnMarket!

Posted by Alex Galin 25 January 2016 @ 5:00pm

Hey 'Straya, get OnMarket!

Almost all of us Aussies own shares – either directly or through a super fund. Yet for the average investor, the stock market is as much a conundrum today as it was 100 years ago.

According to popular movies like Wolf of Wall Street and the Big Short, financial markets are a jungle playground full of greedy, dishonest adrenaline-junkies… and certainly not a place where ordinary investors can build wealth!

Nowadays, and every day, technology is changing ‘the way things always were’ and breaking down barriers to access and information. And the stock market is no exception.

We’re really excited to be one of the companies on the front lines, developing technologies that bring investment opportunities to everyone.

And we do mean everyone.

Come on, ‘Straya – it’s time to take the market to the people.

From Bondi to Quambone to Carnavon, we’re asking all Australians to #GetOnMarket, because now everyone can invest from anywhere at any time – and on the same terms as the big end of town.

Tweet us your town name @OnMktBookBuilds (or, even better, a snap of your town name with you in it!) or send your image to us at enquiries@onmarketbookbuilds.com and we’ll bring ON to your local community and send it out to our followers.

We’ll be updating this blog with towns, cities, and places around Australia that are getting OnMarket.

See you OnMarket Australia!


